
Calisthenic Universal League

WordPress Custom Redesign of Calisthenics Universal League + Learning Courses

Introduced the Business- Brief info on what the business is about.

Calisthenics Universal League is a mechanise brand that have a strong interest in calisthenics and sports. They were established in 2018 and their mission is to elevate the UK calisthenics industry by promoting calisthenics courses for people to train.

What the business lacked before working with Delton Digital.

Initially, the group were trending on social media as people were impressed with the level of fitness the group showed. From this positive recognition, Calisthenics Universal League wanted to develop and expand their brand by offering different services, however, lacked web presence.

What did Delton Digital do to help and how?

Delton Digital built a multipurpose, eCommerce website for Calisthenics Universal League to professionally list their products, services, fitness courses and to showcase their talent. On their website, we included their membership programs that people can join instantly and their E learning course giving people access to learn online. Calisthenics Universal League run events throughout the year and through their site people can book tickets to attend to their events.

What happened after Delton Digital help and how did Delton Digital help achieve their requirements.

Calisthenics Universal League having web presence has established and professionalise the group as a brand. This means consumers can trust to purchase products from them. Their brand continues to grow and developing a multipurpose website has given them a chance to showcase their platform worldwide.


Calisthenics Universal League


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